New Beginning…

I have always thought of writing a blog as an insurmountable task. There are so many things going on in the world, focusing in on the subject matter is challenging. The vast number of blogs, podcasts, and other media information is almost infinite, so how does one settle to put one more drop into the ocean of content. Adding to this, the Yellow House Retreat and Resource Center is a new endeavor for us. So where does one begin - begin to make a difference, create new ways of thinking, make an impact?

I practice meditation. Not always as much as I would like, but I try to make it a part of my life. As someone whose brain seems to be endlessly toiling with thoughts, setting that aside is a daily challenge. One of the concepts I hold dear in mediation is to begin again. Even when my mind wanders in meditation, I can always begin again and just focus on my breath. I also look to all of the lessons working with people in drug and alcohol recovery taught me about starting over. “One day at a time” is a crucial mantra to building a path to recovery. Recovery is not just a destination but a process, a path that often includes many beginnings.

We envision part of our practice to be helping others to listen to the voices of people in the community. So, for this first post, I guess I should listen to my own advice. Gain wisdom from those who battle adversity and work to build a better way of living. This first post is not about figuring it all out on the first go, but just about finding a way to start. We have gone down many paths to reach this moment. So today is not about THE beginning, this post is just a NEW beginning!

As we are just starting to use all of the wisdom gained from years of community and organizational experience to create a new vehicle, The Yellow House R&R Center, we hope that you will continue to check in and see what happens next!

Written by~ Ross Cunningham

